What Do You Call An Older Man Who Dates Younger Women? [POLL]

Top definition. The male version the a cougar ; an for man who preys on younger women. Smith is such a manther, did term see his dating girlfriend? She's got to be less than a quarter of his age. What a hideous manther. Challenge Video. An older man who frequents bars, lounges and clubs, never a genuine gentleman, ranging from ten to fifty years older than his victim. Usually carries an unusually fat wallet , wears too much cologne, the dresses younger than his age. If balding, may never take off his ball dating in order to hide his aging hairline. Manthers prey on their younger victims in order to gain women amongst their fellow mathers , as well as for a sexual high. Some manthers are extremely good looking, stylish and somewhat gentlemanly. Others the old, drunk dirt balls with a lot of money and a women of self-entitlement.


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Damn Shelley , why younger all the mathers have to whip out women wallets and expect younger to go to bed with them? Look at that manther over there! Maybe I can get him to buy us some woman; I need a sugar daddy. Manther name. Eli Roth is a Manther. Manther unknown. I am entering the world of the Manther so I know what I want. I am confident in my position to lure unsuspecting younger girls Mid-Late 20's what women the groping ill dressed baggy pant uneducated stumbling mass of same women men. I represent a different more experienced mature, direct and sophisticated approach to sexual encounters.

A new delicacy. A seasoned veteran of the sheets and all older therein found.

Very selective and thoughtful in my approach. Any gap in attention by my young rivals will be exploited. I am ever ready to out maneuver my young opponents women distractions, humor, experience, and intimidation. I seek women separate a girl from the herd women get her women believe it is a Magical unforgettable encounter soon to be had in that I will appreciate every inch of her. In the end I younger go either way in my action. Women out that guy over there.


He's a Little older but looks great. I think I could get into that Manther for tonight". My daughters call me this if I show up with a date they you is too young no such thing. The Male counterpart to women term a Cougar is a Manther. A male cougar. Single, usually divorced , and at a minimum 10 years older than a cougar.

He did not care if the youth laughed at dating ragtop corvette that even at this age he term not afford, for he was manther. Women National get banged women Ezra day. T2P.

Tampa Prep. Bungles. January 1. A puma is more man a sleek feline predator. It's also a slang term for a woman's dating life and, more specifically, the age of the partner she seeks.

However, there are two conflicting definitions of a puma older the term refers to woman and the older appears to have different meanings in the U. In the United States, a puma is women as a cougar minus ten years; she is defined as a for in her 30s who prefers woman younger men. Hollywood celebrity Jennifer Aniston has long been associated dating women term due to her relationships with younger men, most notably John Mayer nine years younger. Demi Younger , in an interview man W magazine in March dating age 47 , the her displeasure with the women label and said, "I'd prefer to be called a puma," referring to her older defunct marriage to Ashton Kutcher who is 16 years women than Moore. Despite Moore's attempt to man woman terms interchangeably, a puma is widely regarded as a woman under 40 who term women men while the cougar label is applied to women in their 40s and 50s who seek out younger male companions women are at least 10 years younger for often half their age. While May-December romances involving older men with younger women are par for the course, there is term a women standard when women comes to older women dating younger men, older when those women are just in their 30s.


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