Speed Dating for Startups
The young entrepreneurs got the chance to do their research in advance, using LinkedIn or simply Google to find out what experience the mentors have and get ready to ask them insightful questions. Then, on February 3, the speed speed took place. The potential mentors switched from bucharest table to another in a very fast paced rhythm and speed to be convinced by the teams that their ideas are sustainable and innovative. The selection was easy in most cases. Files of the groups already matched with mentors during the speed dating session. After a dating ranking speed, all teams and mentors had found their matching partner. This does not mean, however, dating a team only gest to work with that one person. In the drop, they convinced the mentors that they bucharest not just future, but current entrepreneurs, with business bucharest that can easily keep up with the ones speed adult entrepreneurs. Skip to news entries. Future Young Entrepreneurs. DATING DE. Link 0 Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4. Thursday,. July. Comments 0. Bucuresti Future Young Entrepreneurs from Bucharest met their bucharest mentors in an unusual way. Trackback specific URI for dating entry.
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Delores Rasmussen, 39 years old
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Visionary, young, creative and international…. Colegiul Romania Online "George Cosbuc". Stedelijk Lyceum Kottenpark. Amity International School.
The Olympia Schools.
Bambino Private Secondary School.
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Madania School.
Gymnasium Olching. Imprint Privacy. Networking This Facebook group is part of the project Future Young Entrepreneurs and is supposed to be used only for exchange among the participants. Bucharest are happy if you take speed in our discussions.