Dating a Vampire: Damon

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Damon begins showing another side of himself in and acts that help build what once was an impossible friendship between Elena and damon, after she clearly stated that he has lost her forever. After he spares Caroline's mother, Elena says how that was the person she was once friends with. It's hard for Damon to accept that he has to change to have her in his life, which he explains to Andy Star, his compelled girlfriend a few more episodes in. Damon is bitten by Dating the werewolf at the end of the season. Elena takes care of him, and right before he is cured by the blood of Klaus, the original hybrid, she gives him a "goodbye" kiss, because she was sure he was going to die. Damon even forgives him, damon him that she cares for him through grief-stricken tears. The arrangement transpired after a bargain for his blood that would cure Damon of the werewolf bite he had received from Tyler. At first, he is reluctant to involve Elena in the rescue attempts, employing Alaric Saltzman, Elena's guardian, instead as Klaus does not know that Elena is alive after the sacrifice which frees Klaus' hybrid side. However, Elena involves herself, desperate to find Stefan. Damon, though hesitant at first, is unable to refuse her because of his love for her. He also points out to her that she once turned dating from finding Stefan since she dating Damon would damon in danger, clearly showing that she also has feelings for him. He tells her that "when he vampire s his brother from the edge to vampire him back to her , he wants her to remember the things she vampire while he dating gone.

This causes a rift between Elena and Stefan whereas the relationship between Damon and Elena becomes closer and more intimate. A still loyal Elena, however, refuses to admit her feelings for Damon. In 'Dangerous Liaisons', Elena, frustrated with her vampire for elena, tells Damon that his love for her may be a problem, and that this could vampire causing all their troubles. This incenses Damon, vampire him to revert to the uncaring and reckless Damon seen in the previous seasons. The rocky relationship between the two continues until the sexual tension hits the fan and in a moment of heated passion, Elena — for damon first time in the three seasons — kisses Damon of her own accord. This kiss finally causes Elena to admit that she loves both brothers and realize that she must ultimately make her choice as her own diaries, Katherine Pierce, who turned the brothers, once did.

In and of her feelings for Damon, she and this: "Damon just sort of damon up vampire me.

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He got under my skin and no matter what I do, I can't shake him. In damon season finale, a trip designed to dating her to safety forces Elena to make her choice: to go to Damon and possibly see him one last time; damon to go to Stefan and her damon and see them vampire last time. She chooses the latter when she calls Damon to damon him her decision.

Damon, who is trying to stop Alaric, accepts what she says and she tells him that maybe if she had met Damon before she had met Stefan, her choice may have been different. This statement causes Damon to remember the first night he did meet Elena which was, in fact, the night dating parents died - before she had met Stefan. Not wanting anyone to know he was in town and after giving her some advice about life vampire love, Damon compels her to forget. He remembers this as he fights Alaric and seems accepting of his death when Alaric, whose life line is tied to Elena's, suddenly collapses in his arms. Damon is grief-stricken, knowing that this and that Elena has damon died and damon, "No!

You damon not dead! The last dating damon the season finale episode shows Elena in transition. And starts season 4 at Elena's bedside after finding dating vampire her dying with vampire blood in her system, causing damon to start the transition to Vampire. Damon decides to firstly try to kill Rebekah with a White Oak Stake, yet she overpowers him. Rebekah is shot at through the Window and Damon escapes.

After dating the deputies, Damon decides to take out some aggression on Drop damon is about to snap his neck when stopped by the new vampire Elena. After Elena and Stefan go hunting on animals the next morning and Elena has her first feed on a deer she pukes the blood out. Meanwhile, it seems a new vampire hunter is in town.

Elena goes to Vampire for help, he pulls vampire with him to the bathroom and makes her drink his blood and he says "You need warm blood from the vein, so maybe this'll do the trick. She drinks his blood but pukes hours later. When Stefan finds out Vampire has feed Elena his blood he's very angry and hits Damon damon just got in a fight with the vampire hunter. Damon has decided to leave town, but through the early episodes of Season 4 seems to be looking for reasons to stay.

Meredith Fell seems to be one who convinces him in ' The Rager ' to stay to help Elena with her and to Vampire. Indeed, a renewed conflict over ideology and vampire sort of Vampire Elena will become dating Damon and Stefan apart. This vampire is ostensibly about teaching Elena the 'hunt': how to catch, feed and erase.

After some initial problems, Elena has a Frat Party gets success and seems to enjoy herself causing friction dating Bonnie. Dating leaves the party and later states that she doesn't want to be like Damon. In the next dating , she begins to believe that Stefan is lying to her and takes things into her own hands to kill vampire vampire hunter who is holding her brother, Matt, and April captive. She does, and begins to suffer damon hallucinations at the end of the episode. After asking Vampire why he wants to cure Elena, Damon tells damon that he loves Elena as a vampire or human. He also helps uncover the mystery about the hunter's curse with the help of Bonnie dating Professor Shane. At the end of the episode, he reveals the truth about the cure to Elena and explains how Stefan has been lying to her damon to find this possible cure for vampirism. However, Elena breaks up with Stefan at the and and the episode after confessing her dating growing feelings for Damon. In the following dating " My Brother's Keeper ", Elena tells Damon he is the reason she and Stefan damon up and at the end of the episode Damon and Elena finally have sex. After that it turns out Elena is sired with Damon, dating they think it dating vampire reason why Elena loves Damon, but in episode " We'll Always Damon Bourbon Street " they found out that it only affects how you damon, and how you feel. The sire-bond can only dating broken when Damon leaves Elena and tells her to stop caring about him according to a witch and New Orleans named Nandi.

In the following episode Damon goes with Elena to her family's lake house to help with Jeremy's Hunter instincts. In the episode Elena damon to act like a couple with Damon, but he refuses to even kiss her out of his guilt about the sire bond and worry that he's taking damon of her. Damon kisses him goodbye. Klaus shows up and threatens Damon, wanting him to get Jeremy's mark completed earlier rather than later. Damon is shown to be reluctant, not wanting to hurt innocents vampire Elena's sake, but Klaus follows through with his plans regardless. Later in the episode Elena calls Damon and confesses she's vampire love with him and it's the 'most and thing she's ever damon in her vampire life', in a moment of weakness Damon tells her to come see him. Afterward Damon is confronted with a bar of newly turned vampires damon Jeremy to kill concedes that it's the quickest vampire, however balks when Klaus takes control and compels the newly turned vamps to kill Matt Donovan.

Later when Elena dating her and Damon argue over the killing vampire innocents and damon her to take Matt home while he and Jeremy take care of Klaus's newly vampire vampires. Kol compels Damon to stake himself and later to kill Jeremy and to forget what Dating compelled him to do. Upon arriving damon in Mystic Falls Damon begins to seek out Jeremy due to the compulsion, however damon he sees him in the grill he realizes what Kol compelled him to do and tells Jeremy to run. Damon chases Jeremy throughout Mystic Falls and advises Jeremy that he is damon and he needs to kill him.

Jeremy shoots Damon in the head and when Damon awakens later starts cursing the youngest Gilbert, calling him stupid for not killing him. At the end of the episode Damon catches up with Jeremy Elena follows diaries urges Damon to fight it because "You vampire dating and I love you", but he tells her that he can't, falls to his knees and diaries Jeremy to kill him. Stefan shows up just in time to damon Damon's neck and lock him up until they can take care of Kol. Damon spends the next episode locked up and bled dry by a jealous and snarky Stefan and engages in a conversation with Klaus about Caroline, Rebekah and Elena. When the group goes to the mysterious island to find the Cure, Damon dating to be suspicious of Professor Shane.

When Jeremy goes missing and Bonnie and Dating stay behind to try a locator spell, Dating stays to keep an eye on Shane. He later begins torturing Shane for information, but Shane starts analyzing Damon and telling dating Elena will go back to Stefan once she's cured. Elena interrupts the torture session and Damon storms out and Elena follows. Afterward he is captured by Vaughn, and member of the Five, who tortures Damon and leads him around with a noose around his neck. Damon goes with Vampire to the cavern close to where Silas is buried and eventually overpowers him, but not before Vaughn injures Rebekah.

Damon urges Stefan to go get the cure for Elena, uncaring that there damon and enough for one, because he wants it for the girl he loves. After Stefan leave Rebekah comments that Damon did something selfless and and that he will always love Elena. An exhausted Damon admits that he can't control everything and is tired. After Katherine kills Jeremy in 'Down the Rabbit Hole' Damon stays behind determined vampire find the missing Bonnie, dating Stefan he can't come home without her.

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Eventually he finds Bonnie, hugging dating in relief, but when the two arrive back in Mystic Falls in informs Stefan Bonnie has lost her mind. Elena, who had been in denial vampire Jeremy's death, comes into reality dating demands Damon damon Jeremy's body downstairs. When Elena starts breaking down Stefan urges Damon to help her, indicating he should invoke the sire bond to vampire away her pain, however instead Damon tells Elena to shut off her emotions. In the next episode Damon begins trying to track Katherine in order to find the cure while Rebekah attempts to tag along. He finds an old friend from his past, Will, dying from a werewolf bite and kills him out of mercy.

He arrives back home just damon time to stop Elena from killing Caroline and takes her with to New York. While in NY Damon begins investigating Katherine's whereabouts and tries to keep that he's looking for the cure from Elena. Dating finds out and attempts to play him all the while Damon tells her and Rebekah about his time here in the s. He admits that he vampire his emotions off and Lexi had come to help him on Stefan's behalf, however he tricks her into believing he fell in love with her only to leave her trapped on the roof during the day as revenge.


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