
Lincoln Photos

BBC Lincolnshire has put up a wee gallay from the Lincoln Shed gig. Pictures were taken by Carl Spring.

The set played was the same as Leamington Spa with the encore starting with Northenden, confirmed by gristy over at doves board.

Also on the board, Baldilocks reports that a wee interview with the band done before the Leeds Cockpit gig will air next Monday on NME radio sometime between 7-11pm.

Next stop, the final hurrah tonight at Manchester Central! Should be an electric night. If your going along, have a great time!

Leamington Spa Setlist

Setlist for Leamington Spa. Many thanks to Rosie for sending it in! Spaceface was not played.

Cheers Rosie!

Leeds Cockpit Setlist

Photo of the setlist taken by Madeleine. Spaceface was not played. Also featured is a really big poster, Jimi’s drumstick & a guitar pick from Jez. Nice one! :)

House of Mirrors makes it’s live debut. Where We’re Calling From returns to open the set, just like it did back in 2005. The band move onto Lincoln tomorrow night (Tuesday).

Full Electric Proms Setlist

Thanks to James Lyndsay of the London Bulgarian Choir for this complete setlist from the show:

Winter Hill
The Storm*
Black and White Town
Sea Song
Greatest Denier
Kingdom of Rust*
Last Broadcast*
Catch The Sun*
Mmorf Elenku**
Zalibih Si Edno Libe (with Baluji Shrivastav)**
Birds Flew Backwards (with Baluji Shrivastav)*
Cedar Room*
The Fear*
Kaval Sviri**

*Doves with LBC. **LBC

James also posted a couple anecdotes in response to the Metro review I posted yesterday here.

More From Hatfield: Setlist & Daily Mail Review

The setlist from the Hatfield Forum show, with thanks to Christina!

As if I can’t squeeze enough from the Hatfield show, Now a review of the show by the Daily Mail. Though I suspect they were there to review the venue, doves just happened to be playing! Though the reviewer seemed to enjoy it regardless.

doves perform at the Hatfield – The Daily Mail

Six years ago Doves frontman Jimi Goodwin lost his temper. During an early evening set at the Reading Festival he ranted at the crowd for not being lively enough, for not dancing, for really not caring whether they were present or not.

The truth was the audience weren’t really interested in the trio on stage –they just happened to occupy the same field – and an ego was bruised.

So flashing forward six years to the Doves gig at University of Hertfordshire’s brand new purpose-built venue, The Forum, things were a little touch and go as there didn’t appear to be any interaction between band and fans.

But the problem seemed to be that on the night the 1,500 punters were, at least initially, more keen to see what £38million had been spent on.

And so as Doves shuffled onto the stage and started their set 1,500 pairs of wide eyes scanned the room, looking at the shiny bars, the lights, the huge modern chandelier –everywhere but the stage.

And so it was for the next 20 minutes.

Swirling, passionate, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes uplifting songs were punctuated by polite clapping, gentle head bobbing and more chin-scratching than you would find at a philosophers’ convention.

For the first three songs it was hard to believe that the new auditorium contained Doves fans at all.

But after a creaking start, slowly and thankfully, things changed. Pounding, Winter Hill, Kingdom of Rust, Jetstream… the band dragged the audience out of their mire with such a powerful set of anthems that stone statues would have ended up dancing.

Words made the crowd whoop, Black and White Town united the audience in a stomp-along and as the opening notes of There Goes The Fear heralded the beginning of the end the shaky relationship between audience and band was finally banished for a glorious finale.

This was the night we had expected at last. Thanks to a ‘best of’ set with tracks handpicked from all four albums, our collective hair had been let down, shaken round and even Doves looked like they were enjoying themselves.

Bingley Setlist

The setlist from last night’s Bingley show submitted by gibbo1968. Gibbo took a ton of pictures at the show, some of which can be viewed over at the official site gallery. Gibbo also took some video, which I will flag up when there ready.

Keep your eye open for some exciting doves news this week!

Perth Setlist

Here is the setlist from last night’s show in Perth Australia.


Winter Hill
Almost Forgot Myself
The Greatest Denier
Kingdom Of Rust
Black and White Town
The Outsiders
The Cedar Room

Here It Comes
Last Broadcast
There Goes The Fear

Visit perthquake for a short review of the Perth show. So that’s it from Australia, unless we come across any more reviews (feel free to let us know about any you find). Next stop for doves is Norway in a couple weeks. Anyone going?

Sydney #2 Review & Setlist

For more pictures of doves second night at the Sydney Metro, visit the fastlouder gallery here.

To show we are not completely biased, here is a not so glowing review of the second Sydney show.

I was a bit letdown that the band didn’t delve into any of Kingdom Of Rust’s second half. Spellbound and Compulsion in particular would have been welcome, especially considering some of the other new songs didn’t quite hit the highs they do on the record (I’m looking at you, The Outsiders). Having said that, Kingdom of Rust was absolutely fantastic. Delivered with passion by the band, it was greeted by the crowd as if it was an old classic.

The main set ended with one of my favourite Doves tracks (still after all these years), The Cedar Room. The band then left the stage before returning for a pretty spectacular encore. They started with Lost Souls‘ moody instrumental Firesuite (!!!) before Andy stepped out from behind the drums to deliver Here It Comes. The show then ended with a couple songs from The Last Broadcast culminating in another anthemic, percussive performance of There Goes The Fear. How can you not love that song?

Was it a spectacular gig? Nope. But it was certainly enjoyable. Which, come to think about it, is pretty much what I think about Doves.

To read the full review and see the reviewer’s pictures, click here.

Sydney Metro Second Night setlist

Winter Hill
Almost Forgot Myself
The Greatest Denier
Kingdom Of Rust
Black And White Town
The Outsiders
The Cedar Room
Here It Comes
Last Broadcast
There Goes The Fear

Melbourne Setlist

The setlist from last night’s show at the Melbourne Palace Theatre.

Live From City Setlist

Here is the setlist from tonight’s Live From City show, as submitted by NLF. Click the image for full size. Hearing they also did a bit of Blue Moon. See pics below.

Also sent to us by NLF. Looking at the graphics, looks like this one was taken during the Cedar Room. Check out the big puddle on the stage! Gives new meaning to Caught By The River!

Blue Moon. Picture taken by Twitter user @doc1online

Blue Moon. Picture taken by NLF.