picture house

Doves Concert Attendee Has Swine Flu

The BBC has reported that the Scottish Government has named a Doves fan as a victim of the ongoing swine flu epidemic.

Iain Askham of Polmont, near Falkirk, attended the Doves concert at the Edinburgh Picture House on April 23rd, two days after returning from his honeymoon in Mexico.

To read the full story, click here.

Get well soon, Iain!!!

Doves in Scotland Reviews

Here are some reviews that have popped up for the Glasgow & Edinburgh shows.

A good slab of lazy journalism for you. Here’s the Scotman’s take on the Glasgow Barras show:

Inevitably, it came down to the airing of a handful of old favourites to relieve the monotony. The appropriately named Pounding caused euphoria in the crowd, as did Black And White Town, propelled along by its infectious rhythm, shamelessly borrowed from Martha & the Vandellas’ Heatwave.

To waste 2 minutes of your life, click here to read the rest of it.

The Scotsman have also posted a review of the edinburgh show:

Flawless renditions of old classics like Here It Comes, There Goes The Fear and The Last Broadcast followed, while much of the new material aired had a Sub Sub-esque groove reminiscent of the days before they fluttered away from dance music into the more guitar-based Doves.

To read the full review, click here.

Note: Doves did not play Here it Comes in Edinburgh. Just goes to show these journos do not attend these shows!

Here are some reader reviews, also featured in the Scotsman for the Edinburgh show.

Edinburgh Setlist & Pictures


by doves board regular Alice

Winter Hill
Almost Forgot Myself
The Greatest Denier
Kingdom Of Rust
Last Broadcast
Black And White Town
The Outsiders
Caught By The River
There Goes The Fear

To set was cut short due to Andy being ill, hence the next show in Leeds was canceled.

Edinburgh Picture House

Doves played the Edinburgh Picture House for the first time tonight. Sounds like the gig went well. Though Jimi, announced Andy wasn’t feeling too good tonight, so the set was slightly shorter than usual. Here It Comes was not played, The Last Broadcast was moved to the main set, leaving just a two song encore Northenden/The Fear. Kudos to Andy for soldiering on. Get well soon!

Thanks to McGrivvy at doves board for the set info.