Twitter, MacAskill & Tosh

Having just listened to FM94/9 sonic big chill show. I just feel the need to set the record straight. The host Amanda hinted that our twitter page, could be one of those twitter’s, that pretends to be official, but is not. We have never claimed to be official, had Amanda read our bio, and followed the link, she would have seen it is run by us, a fan site. Anyhow, I just wanted to get that off my chest, the last thing I myself, or Justin wants is to mislead people into thinking we are trying to represent the band. We just post news/reviews and whatever we find online about the band and hope people find it helpful to have all that, in one place. Which we know you do. :)

So that’s that. Otherwise, great interview Amanda. Your show has some great music on it. Thanks to everybody who has been twittering setlists, pictures and what not, of the shows on the US tour so far. I was a bit worried we wouldn’t hear much. So its been great so far. Thank you! Keep it coming.

Danny MacAskill is the star of the next doves video, for which we believe will be Winter Hill. He has become a youtube sensation in recent times. Click here to read his story.

The Malaysia Star have given Kingdom Of Rust a rather lukewarm review:

However, Some Cities (2005) didn’t have quite the same impact on me, despite emulating its predecessor as a chart-topper. Even though the odd quality tune like Almost Forgot Myself, Someday Soon or Ambition was present, far too much of it felt like filler material. What was worse was that Doves seemed to be slowly losing their personality.

As for this latest in their oeuvre, I have to say that Kingdom of Rust leaves me lukewarm. In fact, the opening cut Jetstream creates the impression that this album will see Doves rediscover their dance roots especially as there are guest turns by Tom Rowlands of the Chemical Brothers and Massive Attack knob-twiddler Dan Austin. Even though that turns out to be misleading, the problem is that there is too much pedestrian upbeat rock and not enough of the trippy melancholy stuff they first came up with.

If that isn’t enough for you, click here to read the rest.