Jimi goodwin

Jimi on XFM Tonight!

Jimi will be on XFM’s Razor Cuts tonight chatting with Pete Mitchell. There is a good chance I will miss this, so if you happen to record it, let me know.

Absolute Radio interview

Jez & Jimi speaking to Dave Gorman before the radio session, cracking interview. They talk about Sub Sub allot, the record industry today & Guy Garvey appearing at the Manchester Gmex show. Cheers to blureu for the heads up!

Buddy Guy & Jimi – Coming At You

Not a great deal going on in doves world. Though whilst in Borders yesterday, I took a quick peek at the current issue of Q magazine. I would have bought it and scanned the article for the blog, but the .95 price tag put me off.

Q rated Kingdom Of Rust, the 11th best album of the year. They did a short Q&A with Jimi, the question of note – Q asked if doves would go away for a few years. Jimi replied that he didn’t know right now, but he is interested in doing something with Guy Garvey. I assume not just bird watching! If anyone wants to donate a scan of the article for the blog, drop me line, that would be great. Otherwise, just take my word for it. :)

Jimi In NME

Jimi has a full page spread in this week’s NME..

You will need to buy the mag to be able to read the article.

Jimi Saves The Day

News must be slow – here’s one that appeared on teletext yesterday..

Jimi Goodwin, the bassist for rock band Doves, is a hero after saving the life of… a rabbit!

“We rehearse on a farm and the Jack Russell from the farm just trotted past me with a live rabbit in his mouth. I just made him drop it and hopefully the rabbit is pretty fine,” he told me.

“I got him before he snapped his neck. It’s only staving off the inevitable, but thank God for that.” Nice.

Way to go Jimi! :) Not sure how to follow that one up..

In a recent edition of Uncut, musicians including Pete Townsend were asked to name their favourite Who song. Jimi chimed in with his favourite..

I’m One (Quadrophenia) – Jimi Goodwin (Doves). I liked at age 15. Ideal for awkward age.

Classic tune. Personally, its Baba O’Riley for me. Best intro ever. This would be the perfect opportunity to upload doves cover of the Seeker as played with Roger Daltrey at the Royal Albert Hall, 2003. Sadly I don’t have it at hand, will put that right in a couple weeks.

Movie Soundtrack Next?

Gigwise recently conducted an interview with Jimi, who once again talks about the band’s desire to score a movie soundtrack.

“We need to shake things up by doing something…I don’t know what it’ll be,” he said.

“Scoring a film. We’re always saying that and no one seems to pick up on it, but we’d fucking love to score a film.”

When asked about their reasons for wanting to write a soundtrack, Goodwin replied: “We just always have.

“Hopefully you can hear it in your music. Everything is very filmic and we’ve often sampled many of the TV cop films of old.

“We’ve been doing that since we were in [former band] Sub Sub.”

To read the full article, click here.

As expected, tickets for the Electric Proms performance have sold out. Hope you all got the tickets you wanted.

Blast From The Past: The Risk

I mentioned the other day Joe Roberts & Jimi’s first band the Risk. So its perfect timing that an article about them has been uploaded to the Manchester District Music Archive.

To read the article about Jimi’s first band from the Acrylic Daze fanzine and see an early photo, visit the MDMA page here.

So the big question.. has anyone got the demo tape? :)

NPR Interviews Jimi

An interview NPR host Scott Simon conducted with Jimi has just been posted up on NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday. I suspect the interview was recorded earlier in the year when the band were in the US. Jimi says he thinks the band still have a couple albums left in them, but again states the band would like to score a movie soundtrack.

To listen to the interview, click here.

Jimi Talks To Lamacq

As I reported last Friday, Steve Lamacq spoke to Jimi over the phone from Oyafest. Jimi talks about weeding the garden, Andy’s wedding & playing Electric Proms! Download the interview here.

Guy Garvey’s Finest Hour Replay

Some of you may recall, a couple of years back Jimi let Guy Garvey air a demo on his Finest Hour radio show. The track was called Devils In The Detail. As Guy is currently in the US with Elbow, the show this past Sunday was a “highlights package” thing. So if you missed Devils In The Detail first time around, then here is your chance to hear it again legit on the bbc iPlayer. You have until Sunday!

Go to the BBC iPlayer here (its available to anyone outside the UK too) then fast forward to 1.18 into the show, for the feature demo heaven. Check out the jingle also sung by Jimi! Listen to Jimi & Guy waffle on, before Guy plays the track around 1.24. Of course I never bootlegged this first time around, not sure how it got on my ipod! :)


ps: If you are in the US, Don’t forget Elbow are on Letterman tonight!