Memories Of The Barras

The Glasgow Barrowland celebrates 75 years as being one of the finest venues anywhere. Having been to some of the best venues around the world, it still does not get better than the sticky floor at the barras for me. Jimi has his say in the Sun..

Doves bassist JIMI GOODWIN said: “When we first played it I was thrilled because I used to stand outside doing bootleg T-shirts when I was 17.

“I love the fact that it hasn’t been cleaned since 1940.”

As I have mentioned before, the best doves show I ever saw was at the Barras in May 2002. Listen to the show here. Check out the intro to Caught By The River to hear a rather merry Jimi tell the crowd he saw Public Enemy at the Barras and he was the guy you bought tickets from outside! Hilarious.

Happy Birthday Barrowland! Cheers for the memories.

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