Constellations Guitar Tabs

With much thanks to Nick Yates. Here are the guitar tabs for the 10 tracks from Constellations For The Lonely. Nick has also done tabs for Cally and Lean Into The Wind. These will be available after the Record Store Day release.

I’ve linked all 10 tracks below. They’re also available using the menu tab above, where you can also find Doves entire discography that Nick has kindly transcribed over the years.

As always. The tabs are designed so that you can strum along to Doves’ tracks. The tabs may not reflect exactly how Doves play the songs as some of the recordings are detuned and they are designed so that you don’t have to be Jez or play a right-handed guitar upside down to enjoy them!

We invite you to submit any corrections where necessary


Cold Dreaming

In The Butterfly House

Strange Weather

A Drop In The Ocean

Last Year’s Man

Stupid Schemes

Saint Teresa


Southern Bell

Oxford Setlist

Oxford setlist thanks to Jayne! Space Face was played.

Southampton Setlist

Thanks to Kath for the setlist from the show at the Southampton Engine Rooms.

House of Coco reviewed the gig, which you can read an excerpt from below. You can read the full review here.

It was followed up with ‘Carousel’ and ‘Words’ from 2002’s ‘The Last Broadcast’ which really got the crowd going. Jez, stepping up to perform lead vocals, should be really proud of himself; it must have been daunting to take on the mantle from Jimi, but he was absolutely brilliant and was superbly supported by his brother Andy too.

The live sound was elevated by the addition of three incredible musicians in their own right which included the always-superb Christian Madden on keys.

From the anthemic yet introspective ‘Renegade’ with the poignant line ‘And nothing, lasts forever’ to the dreamy vibes of ‘Rise’, this was an assured spin through their career-spanning back catalogue, as well as serving up highlights from their critically-acclaimed latest album ‘Constellations For The Lonely’ which showcase their exemplary musical craftsmanship and is a bona fide masterpiece.

Brighton Setlist

Brighton setlist thanks to Claire Frost at Doves forum. Space Face was played. I’ll get more reaction from the last few gigs over the coming days. Apologies for the lack of updates! I was at three shows from London, updating on the run proved to be difficult. A full recap of the full tour will also soon follow

Bristol Setlist

Southampton Setlist thanks to Kath! Here’s an exerpt of a review of the show from Bristol247 You can read the full review here.

It finally dawned on me what it is Doves really took from acid house. For all the skyscraping melodies and electronic textures, what counts is the sense that music is a shared experience. The mutual support between band and audience. The Williams brothers are still here out of dedication to the idea of Doves, what it can offer people.

It’s why this felt less a gig, and more a communion.

After the final, urgent pulse and escape of Black And White Town, first encore The Cedar Room sounded somehow both enormous and intimate, Jez’s notes rippling out over the swaying crowd.

Then, finally, inevitably, it was There Goes The Fear, ending in a carnival of percussion, lives momentarily lost (and found) in the riot of rhythms.

These are songs that coax out the feelings buried in your chest. This gig was communal catharsis on a Friday night.

Norwich Setlist

Setlist from Norwich this evening thanks to Jo Calvesbert. Spaceface was not played.

Rock City Setlist

Here’s the setlist from this evening’s show at Nottingham’s Rock City, thanks to Rob McCleary at Doves forum. While Strange Weather is on the printed setlist, it is not played. A few who were there say that Jez was having issues with his voice tonight.

Aviva Night #2 Review

On Friday evening, as Doves took flight in the Avivia’s Hall venue, Jez Williams ably headed the lion’s share of the vocal responsibilities with brother Andy, on occasion relinquishing his drums, for the lead on some Doves classics.

Arriving on the stage with a backdrop evoking the Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe film, The Lighthouse, Doves steered their adoring fans through a wonderful night of melodic indie music which has stood the test of time. Cold Dreaming and Renegade being gratefully received offerings from Constellations.

Manchester Evening News Review

Manchester Aviva Night 2

Setlist from the second night at the Manchester Aviva. It sounds like this show was much louder than the previous night according to those that was at both nights.

Photo thanks to Gene!

Chart Success!

Constellations For The Lonely peaked at #5 on the UK album chart with 13,539 sales. Other note-worthy chart positions:

Official Scottish albums chart: #1
Official vinyl albums chart #2
Official physical sales album chart #2